Author: EMB


I’ve never experienced a year with such a singular focus as this one. I started the year not pregnant and I’m ending the year not pregnant but I spent most of the moments in between consumed entirely by the babies inside me. Pretty much every single major decision made...

She Smiles

I’ve written this post about twenty or so times in my head and what you are seeing now is a very abridged version of it because I decided most of this is better left in my head. There are some who would say even writing this is too much,...

Everything I’m Not

“Are we going to be late?” “No” Shit, yes, of course we’re going to be late. Because your school is on the other side of the world and we had 20 minutes to get everyone out of the house and fight rush hour traffic. “Are we going to be...

Half Way

I was reminded today that I haven’t updated in quite a long time. It’s always surprising when I talk to someone who reads because in my own mind, no one reads. But I figured, June 1st, might as well 🙂 I often think I do my best thinking in...

12 in 12 | Dreamer

So a lot of thoughts crossed my mind when I sat down to do this. They were as follows: Woohoo only one day late! Crap, I haven’t taken many pictures this month. What was my theme again? Ick I don’t like my template anymore at all. What was I...

12 in 12 | Inspire

What do you think of the new look? After I had finished tinkering around on Photoshop, it occurred to me that this new template that I made for this year’s photo project is pretty much a digital representation of my office. I’ll post a picture below so you can...

Resolutions and all that Jazz…

New Year. New hair color. Fresh outlook. Better attitude. Renewed faith. Resolutions. Lots of things to think about. I normally don’t resolve to do things in a quantitative way and as such this feels a little bit like I’m writing benchmarks or IEP goals. But I’ve been thinking. I’ve...

Let’s Do 52! Fresh

Just before Thanksgiving is when I start getting my shopping list in order for Christmas. I asked Andrew on the way home from school one day what he wanted Santa to bring him. He pondered thoughtfully for a few minutes and decided he didn’t know. I was a little...

Let’s Do 52! Reflection

What a year. Seriously. What a year. This time last year I was preparing to embark on a journey with my church choir to Italy. A trip I was both thrilled and terrified to take. It ended up being one of the most amazing experiences of my life. The...

Let’s Do 52! Darkness

I had it all planned out for the week by the Monday before and yes sometimes (most of the time) I do have to plan these now because the whole working full time and raising two kids has left me with quite a bit less free time for my...