Let’s Do 52! Golden

Here we are 50 weeks done out of 52. I almost can’t believe I got this far! I have a post brewing in my mind for what’s becoming my annual reflection on the year. I look at this and I think my photography has grown over the last year and it’s certainly come a long way from where it was a few years ago. I like to follow photo blogs and one of my favorite bloggers is at Paint the Moon. The author of the blog, Annie Manning, wrote this amazing post a while back (linked above- I know it doesn’t look like a link but click on Paint the Moon and one of these days I’ll get around to fixing that). Anyway, the post was about finding the right light and that’s where I discovered the concept of the “golden hour”.

So there we were, the end of the first week of December. Florida. Wearing shorts and t-shirts while Daddy hung Christmas lights on our new house. The weather is so mild lately we find ourselves drawn to being outside almost every afternoon. Andrew was riding his bike and I was sitting in the driveway while Allison was playing. She bent down to pick up a rock and then glanced up at me and I thought, “Oh my gosh! This is it! THIS is the perfect light Annie was talking about. THIS is the golden hour!” I ran inside to get my camera, almost afraid the light would be gone by the time I got back out there, you know, 20 seconds later. But it wasn’t. So I sat snapping away and loving almost every shot, which is completely unheard of for me because I usually only like one or two of a bunch.

So here’s my golden boy, my pride and joy (they both are, truthfully). With his perfect smile and his sea green eyes. I look at him and see boundless opportunities. The world awaits my dear Andrew. Go and take it by storm!


Here’s a few more too 🙂



I’m bringing home a baby bumblebee… won’t my Mommy be so proud of me… 🙂

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