In the Beginning…
So today in church (according to my mom, I was bad and didn’t attend) the reading was from the book of Genesis where Adam and Eve discover that they are naked and cover themselves. Now this begs the question: How did the first two people on earth know which...
TV Commercials
I’m typically not a big fan of commercials. It is always frustrating to me when the show you’re watching is just getting really good and you have to break for 3 minutes. Then there are shows like Oprah that are nice enough to give you all your commercial free...
The Longest Week…
…That ended on an upnote. I cautiously announce that our prayers have been answered. Supposedly. Now forgive me for being skeptical (You may have missed the old post titled “I Hate The Air Force” which is somewhere in webneverland) but i’m not yet entirely convinced that its all really...
On to Lenten Resolutions
Just for the sake of continuity… I posted this yesterday afternoon mere hours before I deleated everything accidently. I figure few if any people saw it. I realize that you could indeed live your life fully without ever knowing what I decided to sacrifice for the next 40 days...
Where’d Everything Go?
Phew! I’m back! It was actually much easier than I expected it to be (must be that whole Lenten resolution to stop worrying). I switched servers to a paid company which has so far turned out to be well worth the cash. You shouldn’t find error pages when you...