Category: General

Project 52 | Lesson 8

Try new things. Even if they scare you. No, not if they scare me. It’s still a bad idea to walk on the roof of the playset. That will give me a heart attack. But trying new foods, new activities, new places– all those things are good even when...

Project 52 | Lesson 7

You know, I really love this picture and I don’t really want to talk about it at the moment. So I’m just going to say we had a fabulous time at Disney World last weekend and discuss something different yet vaguely related because hey, it’s my webspace right? When...

Project 52 | Lesson 6

This one is pretty simple– like what you want to like. Be who you are. Don’t let anyone change that or persuade you to be someone else because we love you as you. My little girl– pink dress, purple leggings, headband (removed for nap), 6 blankets– all pink or...

Project 52 | Lesson 5

Confession #1: I just really wasn’t feelin’ the blackboard look. It’s super cute in a lot of places but I just couldn’t get into it. I decided to go to the other end of the spectrum and go very simple and focus more on getting the picture done. Confession...

Life 101 | Lesson 4

Compromise. Ah such an important word. Something so lacking in our society these days. But I have hope for you, my children, and for the other young people in your generation. I have hope that you’ll do a better job of this than we are right now. I have...

Life 101 | Lesson 3

Embrace every moment. This is a hard thing to do because there are some moments in life you won’t want to embrace. In fact there are times you will want to forget them completely. But the important thing is this: love with all your heart. Embrace the present. Forgive...

Life 101 | Lesson 2

My Dearest Children, There is so much you can learn on a soccer field, like the importance of aiming for your own goal instead of the other team’s goal. But in all seriousness, soccer is a perfect metaphor for the rest of life as many sports have a tendency...

Life 101 | Lesson 1

I guess you could say it’s in my blood. Teaching that is. I grew up the daughter of a teacher and my kids are growing up the son and daughters of a teacher now too. Just because I’m not actively employed as an educator doesn’t mean I ever put...


I’ve never experienced a year with such a singular focus as this one. I started the year not pregnant and I’m ending the year not pregnant but I spent most of the moments in between consumed entirely by the babies inside me. Pretty much every single major decision made...

She Smiles

I’ve written this post about twenty or so times in my head and what you are seeing now is a very abridged version of it because I decided most of this is better left in my head. There are some who would say even writing this is too much,...