Baking Brownies
I’m baking brownies for my kiddos tomorrow (Yes, we have school. Catholic schools don’t observe Jewish Holidays). The treat is a reward for coming in second place in the contest to raise money for the victims of the hurricanes. My 10 students alone raised $424. 76! I find this...
Taking a Stand
I’m taking a stand. I’m writing my government officials. I’m fighting for the minds of children everywhere. That’s right. Something MUST be done! I’m sick to death of intentionally misspelled words, backwards letters and otherwise unfortunate, poor examples of the English language....
I *heart*
There are very few things in this world that I could not live without. My family and friends (cats included) are the most important things (people) in my life. I try really hard not to be caught up in material things. But lets face it, things are fun. So...
Yeah, yeah, i’m still here…
Alright, I’m around. But it’s been busy. Very busy. School started last week for teachers and on Monday for students. Let’s just say it hasn’t been going as smoothly as any of us would have liked. It’s going to be a tough year. For lack of a better point...
Chapter One: check!
Before now, the most consecutive time I was employed by any one particular company was just under 6 months. I was never fired or asked to leave. Mostly, I left for school reasons and a few times because I was moving. One time I was miserable and gave my...
Bad Grammar
So, i’ve decided to be a completely certifiable nerd and collect bad grammar. That’s right. I collect bad grammar Well it’s for my students anyway. I’m trying to show them that basically, there are a lot of stupid people out there who butcher the english language. Not that i’m...
Countdown to Freedom
There are officially 32 and 2/2* days until summer vacation starts. For those of you sticking your tongues out at me for gloating, let me assure you that you would never want to leave you child with a teacher who did not have 2 months off during the summer....
The finals were today for the speech contest that my students and I have been working on for the last 2 months. I was pretty convinced that my kids would take first, second, and third place and even more so after I saw all the speeches....
Totally Cute Story of the Day
One of my students came in today with a bag of candy to pass out during homeroom. He got through the whole class and there was tons left so I said jokingly, “What, don’t you want to give some to your favorite teacher?”...
Why yes…
…as a matter of fact, I did pass my teacher certification tests! Thanks for asking 🙂 Granted, a fairly adept 6th grader could have passed one of them but the other two were reasonably challenging, and arguably tough. But this post isn’t about gloating. I’d hate for you to...